

Schedule a visit now

At Breach’s Osteopathy, we are a local dedicated business offering effective osteopathy treatments to enhance the management of conditions, injuries, and overall well-being.


Our clinic, located at Town Place Farm, Haywards Heath, is committed to providing high-quality care to all our patients. We believe that every individual is unique and therefore deserves a personalized treatment plan that caters to their specific needs.

Breach’s Osteopathy is run by Amber Breach BO.st, a member of the Institute of Osteopathy and registered with the General Osteopathic Council. 

At Breachs Osteopathy Clinic we aim to help aid you in your wellness journey to optimal health, from treating a condition, injury or just general maintenance to keep you moving at your optimum. 

The Clinic
Breach’s Osteopathy Clinic is nestled in the heart of Sussex located at Unit 20, Town Place Farm, Sloops Lane, Haywards Heath, RH177NP.

Here is where Amber Breach BO.st offers services of Osteopathic treatment as well as Soft Tissue/ Sports massage for anyone wanting just tension release and some relaxation.


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